Erin~ Bleach sidestory del 2

Tjaoo :D
här kommer lite mer från Bleach sidestoryn :D

- RIO !!
I ran into his arms,
and we hugged, then i took some steps back and smiled to him,
we started walking to school..
- Rio .. ?
I tried to talk to him , but he didn't hear me, i didn't even hear myself, it was like I only took a
breath, and no sound came out ..
so i tried again ..
- Rio .. ?
he stopped and looked at me.. his face was pale, and he didn't smile.
- what ?
at that moment my heart fell to the bottom of the ocean.. his voice was cold.. and he just stared at me..
- uhm.. I, you see.. oh, just forget it ..
he was still looking at me ..
then he moved his head and looked up in the sky.
- Oh .. okey.
what was i supposed to tell him .. that the creature in my dreams said that this
was the day i would die?
- Rio ?
I tried to smile, but I don't think it looked like one.
- what is it ?
he looked sad again!
- i thought.. that maybe you and I could go shopping after school.. if you want to?
I felt a warm feeling in my body, it wasn't love!
it was beacuse he was my friend and i could talk to him about allmost everything.
he looked at me, this time he had a smile on his face.
- of course i want to go shopping with you!
my heart was beating really fast!!
- yeah, i think iam going to buy-
I didn't stop to look if there was any cars going over the road, why didn't i look!!??
it was Rio, i turned my head quickly to see, and there it was, the truck, heading
right towards me. The creature in my dreams was right, this was the day i, Erin would die.
suddenly something came running, it was rio, he looked scared,
i was just standing there, with my mouth wide open,
i wanted to scream don't come, you will also get hit by the truck!
but i was unable to say anything.
he threw himself in my arms, he looked down at me, he was in chock.
A few seconds later the truck hit us both..

Och åter igen ignorera stavfel ,_,

Ska fortsätta se Chobits, Kan skriva om den imorgon :D kände inte för det idag ^^
har även börjat se en annan anime, kan också berätta om den imorgon (:



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